Dreamwork is one of the key elements of Carl Jung’s work. He describes dreams as ‘spontaneous products of our unconscious psyche, outside the control of free will’. How do we make sense of dreams and their images?
This course with Jungian Analyst Lisa Marchiano is an introduction to approaching a dream from a Jungian perspective. She offers tools to understand your own dreams better in a captivating teaching style. Jung said: “In each of us there is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently he sees us from the way we see ourselves.” Jung’s method of working with dreams helps us attune to the voice of this inner companion — a mysterious part of ourselves whose perspective on our life is quite often radically different from that of waking consciousness. The voice of this inner companion can provide perspective, direction, and comfort. |
This intimate course consists of 3 remastered classes by Jean Shinoda Bolen, Jungian analyst and author of “Goddesses in Everywoman” and “Gods in Everyman”.
These talks cover the topics of remembering the parts of you that got cut off on your way to success, valuing your intactness below the blows you’ve suffered, and seeing how you’ve been shaped both by societal expectations and inner archetypal figures. Jean invites us to get close to Hestia’s fire in the sacred circle of relationship. She urges us to ask ourselves Hecate’s question: “What did I come here for?” and with Artemis and Atalanta, to go for it. |
Learn how to take responsibility in relationship to the Other for individual growth.
Relationships are key to our individuation process, but we need to understand the inner work required and the accountability we must accept in the process. It is an act of courage to recognize how we project onto the Other what we have not yet acknowledged as being within us. This audio course expands upon James Hollis’ in-depth study of what he calls ‘The Eden Project’. |
Addicts have a high degree of spiritual desire. The problem is they don’t know how to approach the numinous directly and instead take destructive detours.
Dr. Ashok Bedi has treated people with addictions for decades, drawing from both Eastern spirituality and Western psychology. He views the 12 Step Program with a lens that’s practical, personal and Jungian. He describes the bargain with the devil that addicts make, and practices from ancient wisdom traditions and modern medicine to retire this bargain. This inspiring course will help you understand the dynamics of your own addictions and those of others. Be assured by Ashok that something greater than you can restore your sanity. |
Tune into the story that wants to unfold within you.
In these deeply moving and insightful lectures, Dr. James Hollis invites us to tend to the unique story that is seeking to unfold within each one of us. This story-what Jung meant by the individuation process-is interested in bringing something into this world, often in very complex and difficult circumstances. Delivered with Dr.Hollis’ trademark wisdom & wit, these lectures will inspire you to create your own map into the terrain of your life’s story. |
This course on narcissism is about recognizing behavior patterns and constructively dealing with them. When you know how to manage narcissism you are free to live your own life, with healthy self-esteem, and sensitivity to your needs and desires.
If you struggle with a narcissist in your life, this course will help you to understand the dynamics and possibilities of narcissism. It includes several exercises that you can apply to your life situation and that will help you deal with narcissism. |
In this lecture Mark Dean reflects on the rational self and explores our attitude towards the irritational. The irrational could be an intrusive thought, an odd dream or fantasy, a problematic disturbance or mood, a confusing interpersonal relationship, or any other experience that does not seem to fit into our notion of ourselves as reasonably rational beings.
Such experiences, usually dismissed as irrational nonsense, often hold something very different from what we first assume. Regarding such occurrences as senseless shows that we don’t yet comprehend the complex language of the Soul, whose nature is to create meaning. The Soul’s native language is by no means rational. It is, however, deeply coherent, and there is always intention in what it expresses. |
You were born into a deeper tale. This course helps you to uncover and elaborate your personal life myth and archetype.
What does it mean to have a personal myth? In this course, Craig Chalquist guides us to learn about the story we emerged into—a story that organizes our weaknesses and strengths, needs and values, desires and dreams. We look at a personal or life myth that allows creative unfolding and deepening when made conscious. This course is full of practical tools, exercises and questions that help you to learn about your mythic self. |
Learning about the Wounded Healer archetype is crucial for individuals in the helping profession. Carl Jung said that it is a professional’s own hurt that gives the measure of the power to heal. This course increases your awareness of this archetype. You will deepen your understanding of how your wounding and the adaptive behavioral patterns that you have developed affect the professional relationships you have with clients.
Become more skillful in your intimate relationships.
Why is it sometimes hard to love people close to us and why is it relatively easy to make them into our enemies? This has to do with complexes, projections that are a normal part of a relationship. Relationships require psychological and spiritual skills. This course explores the path of cultivating true love, and what we can do to build and retain trust in close and intimate relationships. |
Healing from a narcissistic parent.
This two-part lecture explores the challenges that children of a narcissistic parent face, particularly those with a narcissistic mother. How can women and men deal with and work through the challenges? And how does healing from a narcissistic parent occur? Jungian analyst Dariane Pictet will look at what it means to grow up with a narcissistic parent through the lens of Grimm’s fairytale Snow White. |
Synchronicity is one of Carl Jung's most famous contributions to psychology. This phenomena of meaningful coincidences forms a guiding principle to navigate through life, as well as that it provides deep insight and questions about the nature of reality.
In this beautiful high quality pre-recorded course Jungian Analyst and teacher Ken James will take you on a tour through the miraculous world of synchronicity. You will learn Jung’s ideas about synchronicity, modern insights that deepen our understanding of it, and it will be practical and with examples so you can see it in your own life. |
Learn to shift from being stuck and defeated to an engagement with our own life journey.
Sooner or later life takes us to the swampland place, like anxiety, depression, loss, and addiction. We might feel victimized at first but this course offers insight into why the psyche by times ‘refuses’ to cooperate with the agenda of our conscious lives and how we can respond to these difficult times in life. |
This collection includes three talks on individuation, the process of psychological growth. Three of our favorite teachers take you on a journey that can help you experience a more meaningful life that is true to your unique essence.
Led by master teacher, James Hollis, this course is suitable for both a beginner- and experienced level of understanding of Shadow work. The course is ideal if you want to learn more about the concept of the Shadow and how it is relevant in our daily lives. It also offers guidance and tools to become more conscious of Shadow aspects within ourselves, groups and other individuals.